From Private Ownership to Christian Stewardship

imageWhen I write in critique of the seemingly perpetual need to accumulate that dominates the Western mentality, I am still surprised how many God-loving and faithful Christians are convinced that this is only a concern of Godless communists. I’m fully aware of the ways that contemporary politics have controlled the concerns of Christians on the left and the right. Parsing out which policies to support from the various partisan options is difficult work. It is common for Christians in America that defend traditional notions of marriage and pro-life policies to also find themselves defending economic policies that put the poorest and most vulnerable citizens at risk for the sake of economic production.  How are we supposed to make sense of Christian men and women that defend the accumulation of wealth as a biblical ideal?

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What Would Augustine Preach on the 4th of July?

What would the greatest theologian in the history of the Church say to Americans on a day soaked with nationalism? This may seem like an odd question, but the parallels between Augustine’s place in the Roman Empire and ours in the United States are so plentiful that his wisdom is worth our attention. [Read more…]

Are You Cultivating Your Church Or Fertilizing It? #SlowChurch

I don’t know any pastors or church leaders that want the ministry of their church to be a flash in the pan for the spiritual lives of disenfranchised sometimes church-goers. We all say that we want a ministry that lasts, even into eternity. But somehow many of us still resort to microwaving discipleship and producing worship services. [Read more…]

Conservative Christian Women And The Worst Accusation

Photo by Erin Rempel

Photo by Erin Rempel

Arguments that restrict women from leadership devalue womanhood and question the calling these women have to pastoral ministry. As I have defended my work on the biblical and theological support for women in ministry, I’ve learned that these implications may not even be the most hurtful thing that is said to these women.

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Evidence Of The Changing Evangelical Tide

For an update on how this church is handling women’s leadership today, see: 6,000 Person Megachurch Now Includes Women Elders/Pastors

Grace Community Church, an evangelical church of 6,000 worshipers just north of Indianapolis, reversed their position and came out in favor of women’s leadership at all levels this weekend in their public worship services.

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An “Affirmative Action” Proposal For The Free Churches


I have heard from many women ministers over the last couple months. Overwhelmingly, the message is this: “Even though I’m in a denomination that ordains women, no one will hire me.” I am beginning to wonder if we don’t need an affirmative action program for the church.

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